
Thursday, August 25, 2011

Plenty Of Fish notes: 08/25/2011


I'm looking for someone to relax with

Well, no shit, dude ... your profile also says you have 6 year old triplets.


If you quote Voltaire and Einstein in your profile,
you probably aren’t really looking for a woman who
doesn’t take  life too seriously


One dude wrote “I like rolling in the grass like a child
which wouldn’t’ve been funny if he’d been a little taller.


When a dude writes “I’m not into wasting anyone’s time”,
we all know that means he lasts 2 minutes, shoves you out of bed & calls you a cab.


I find it hard to believe a dude who he says he’s active, if he can’t be bothered to hit the space bar, in between words.


One guy went on and on for 200 words about how he lives a healthy lifestyle,
but has a photo of himself feeding a french fry to a duck.


I am more than capable of taking care of myself, but too much alone time is not good for anybody

That guy's starting to realize his porn addiction might be a problem.

i’m looking for a suitable partner

Read: “I’m shopping for a uterus I don’t ever need to bring flowers to.”


I know “it’s like searching for a needle in a haystack” is a great metaphor,

but “I wanna be the needle in your haystack” is NOT a very flattering profile headline.


This week's "I shit you not, this is a real profile pic":



  1. you crack me up. Its so true.

  2. I swear, the material you've written on POF seriously NEEDS to be a BOOK! You need to be gathering those together, and pitching it to somebody!

  3. Averill!! These are gold!!! I totally agree with Tanya... these observations definitely need to be in a book!!
